Saturday, April 9, 2011

'Cause You're The Special One...

I know you,
since I was eleven or twelve...
So many memories,
we build together...
We challenge each other,
to do the best in everything,
aim the same thing, victory!
We climbed so high,
we travelled so far,
and now we did it...
Many people laugh at us,
but we're not afraid,
and never would give up...
Still we're the same,
although we are far apart...
Because there's special thing about you,
that I can't found it,
in anyone else...
'Cause you are the special one...

Life Never Turn Back...

Life is gambling...
No one knows what will happened,
tomorrow, next year and the entire of your life...
The sweetness of happiness,
and the sourness of sadness,
they're spices that flavoring life...
Sometimes we forget,
and enjoy the life 24/7 as you can...
Think you'll be happy forever...
But one step you're wrong,
you'll ruin your whole life...
Then, you'll regret,
because it's too late...
And remember,
there's no rewind button,
in this life...

Deep In My Heart...

My friend,
I wanna let you know...
The silence of me,
doesn't mean I've forget you...
Because every moment,
every second in my life,
I kept thinking of you...
And remember,
through your happiness,
through your sadness,
I'll always be there,
as I'll always keep you,
deep in my heart...

Let's Our Heart Talk...

Everytime I've to write to you,
it takes about an hour to finish it...
I search for a suitable words,
but I can't find it...
It's not because I've no idea,
it's because...
Even a thousand words,
cannot describe my feelings on you...
Let's our heart talk...
You'll know what I mean,
and you'll know,
it comes from the deepest of my heart...

Note : Written on 07/4/2004


Dalam kesamaran malam...
termenung sendirian,
termanggu seketika.
Akal ligat berfikir,
hati giat menyoal...
Apakah aku sudah jatuh cinta?
Ingin menafikan tapi tidak berdaya...
Sering teringatkan dirinya.
Rindu bersarang di hati,
perasaan semakin tak keruan,
semakin bercelaru...
Dihantui persoalan hati...
Ah! Aku sendiri tidak mengerti...

Semusim Memori Bersamamu...

Semusim memori bersamamu,
amat indah untuk dikenang...
Segala kenangan manis telah dikutip,
dan kenangan pahit ditelan...

Semusim memori bersamamu,
telah banyak mengajarku,
erti persahabatan sejati,
yang selama ini dicari...

Semusim memori bersamamu,
hanya tinggal kenangan,
yang tidak bisa dilupakan...
Akan ku semat di hatiku,
semusim memori bersamamu...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aku tak mahu sendiri lagi...

dulu aku tidak merasa apa-apa.
Menginjak dewasa,
terasa sedih bila masih sendirian...
Kosong, sepi...
Aku yakin ada jodoh buatku.
Tapi kadangkala aku rasa,
tidak layak untuk dicinta dan mencintai.
Siapakah gerangannya,
insan yang akan menemaniku,
sepanjang hidup ini?
Berkongsi kisah suka dan duka,
menangis dan ketawa bersama,
sentiasa di sisi bila aku memerlukan...
Segeralah hadir dalam hidupku,
terasa sedih, kosong dan sepi...
aku tak mahu sendiri lagi...

Nota : Ditulis pada 12:34 am; 19/07/2007